Detoxification has been a buzz word for the last few years in the ever-growing field of natural health care. Nutritionists recommend a "detox" diet, your yoga teacher may recommend a detox juice fast for a few days, or you may have even seen this concept on Dr. Oz. Many people aren't sure what this means or even if it has any real value.
How Disease Develops
There are two main reasons for the development of disease, aside from our predisposition to certain illness due to genetic make up. The first one is malnutrition. In our westernized society, the Standard American Diet or SAD, does not provide the nutrition necessary for optimal health. With processed foods, preservatives, artificial colorings and flavorings, antibiotics and steroids in animal foods, genetically modified foods, and more, we are barely getting enough nutrition just to exist let alone have the energy, vibrancy and vigor that all of us long for.
As for genetic history, most of us do come with genetic baggage, which predisposes us to certain disease attributes. But, the good news is, according to epigenetic studies we can change our genetics through diet and lifestyle changes.
Our parents and grandparents developed disease through their genetics AND diet and lifestyle choices. This was handed down to us, but we can actually reverse this downward spiral towards disease by making healthy choices. Our genes will actually change, and our offspring and we can become healthier if the choices continue to be towards health.
The second reason disease develops is the sheer magnitude of toxic substances in our environment. Most people believe that what is bought in the store has been regulated for our safety, but unfortunately it has not. The only regulation mandated by the FDA and other so called regulatory agencies is that the manufacturers do their own testing. This isn’t necessary to put the products on the shelf though.
Internal Cleansing
So, why is internal cleansing so important? Just as we in a spiritual sense need cleansing from sin through Christ, the physical body needs cleansing from environmental toxins, which would destroy us. Ps. 51:2,10 “Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin....Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.”
Detoxification is a natural function of the body. As toxins enter through the body by way of the lungs when we breath, through skin contact or through the GI tract, toxins are then metabolically processed and discarded by the seven channels of elimination. These channels include the liver, the lungs, the lymphatic system, the kidneys, the blood, the skin, and the bowel or colon. The immune system is also plays a critical part in our defense against disease causing agents. But, when the body is not working properly, these channels can become dysfunctional. As toxins build up and are retained, ill health develops.
Internal Toxins
Anything that does not naturally become part of the cells and tissues of the human body needs to be eliminated. Basically there are two types of toxins; internal toxins produced from within our own body, such as digestive toxins produced from the metabolic breakdown of our foods, and external toxins from the environment, air, water, or food.
Impaired Digestion
One of the internal toxins that can build up comes from impaired digestion. During normal digestion, the body breaks down our food into micronutrients such as amino acids from the protein we eat, fatty acids from fat, and glucose from carbohydrates, using them to build muscles, tissues, blood, etc. During the normal digestive process, there is waste and toxic materials produced, which the body in its healthy state can handle and eliminate.
When the digestive system is impaired though, undigested matter can build up, ferment, and become too numerous for the body to eliminate. Waste materials and toxins can be reabsorbed into the bloodstream, distributed throughout the body and stored in fat cells, leading to chronic disease and inflammation.
The immediate consequences of impaired digestion is intestinal toxemia, which can cause symptoms like gas, bloating, constipation, weight gain, skin disorders, brain fog, chronic fatigue, headaches, irritable bowel, inflammation, and joint and muscle pain.
Toxic Colon
Forty-four of the current U.S. population will die as a result of colon-related diseases! The third most common reason for hospitalization among 15-44 year old persons is digestive disorders.
The most common sign of a toxic colon is chronic constipation. Two to three bowel movements per day, shortly after each meal eaten are considered healthy. Stool should be light brown in color, long and large in diameter, fluffy in texture, and floating on top of the water. There should be no offensive odor, and it should break apart with the toilet flushing.
Ninety percent of all disease and discomfort is directly or indirectly related to an unclean colon, due to impacted fecal matter. 36 different toxins form in the large intestine and are absorbed by the bloodstream, resulting in the body’s inability to metabolize food properly or to provide vital energy for living.
Main reasons for Intestinal Toxemia
Impaired digestion can be caused by inadequate chewing, drinking with meals, especially cold drinks, lack of hydrochloric acid, and inadequate intestinal bacteria and pancreatic enzymes, all of which help break down foods into micronutrients.
Parasites and Candida
Parasites and an overgrowth of Candida are also very common occurrences in toxic colons: 85% percent of the North American adult population is infected with at least one form of parasite. Candida albicans is one of these parasites and thrives in warm-blooded animals in the warm, inner creases of the digestive and vaginal tracts. Repeated use of antibiotics and birth control pills are probably the worst culprits in destroying beneficial bacteria. Simple carbohydrates (sugars) aggravate this condition.
Vaginal yeast infections are more prevalent today than ever before; they never completely clear up until the overgrowth of Candida are controlled throughout the body, especially in the intestinal area. To make matters worse, Candida can be sexually transmitted from one person to another.
The July 1984 issue of the Journal of Reproductive Medicine studied 100 women and found a positive correlation between their sugar and dairy intake and their incidence of vaginal yeast infections. After going on a diet that eliminated these foods, more than 90% of these women became free of yeast infections for over a year.
A yeast cell produces over 75 known toxic substances that poison the human body on a continuous basis. These toxins contaminate the tissues, weakening the immune system, glands, kidneys, bladder, lungs, liver, and especially the brain and nervous system. The protective barrier between the intestinal tract and bloodstream is broken down allowing many foreign and toxic substances to enter and pollute the body systemically.
Most people suffering from candidiasis rarely suspect it as the cause of their ill health. The symptoms are so numerous and seemingly unrelated that medical doctors usually just treat the consequential complications (such as fatigue, arthritis, depression, anxiety, skin eruptions, immune system malfunction) and never seek the underlying cause.
The colon is home not only to candida, but also is very often, home to small colonies of parasites, which can contribute to toxicity. Parasites such as intestinal worms (pinworms, tape worms), amoeba, etc., can invade our body from many sources. The most common sources of infection with parasites are insufficiently cooked meats, unwashed fruits and vegetables, travel to third-world countries, contaminated water, pets, flies and other common insect pests.
Under normal circumstances a healthy individual can tolerate the toxins produced by bacteria and a few parasites. However, if the body's elimination system is overloaded and there are a large number of parasites, the additional toxins can result in chronic disease, through the breakdown of the health of the body.
The combination of digestive toxins, Candida and parasites can contribute greatly to the condition called leaky gut. With leaky gut, also known as intestinal permeability, the intestinal lining becomes increasingly porous, leading to the entrance of toxins, Candida, bacteria, parasites and inadequately broken down proteins, into the bloodstream. This of course leads to greater toxicity.
Some genetically modified foods (GMO) and Over the Counter (OTC)/prescription medications are the main reason for intestinal permeability.
External Toxins
Now let's talk about external toxins. External toxins include industrial chemicals, pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, and toxic metals such as mercury, lead and arsenic. External toxins also include air pollution, tap water, solvents, food additives, dyes, drugs, household chemicals, personal care products, and alcohol just to name a few. How exposed are we really to these, and how does it affect our health?
Checking into our local tap water in Johnston County NC, using this link to the Environmental Working Group, we found there were 20 of the 316 contaminants found throughout the country. Although, this is a low number, ANY contaminants can be disease and cancer causing after years of consumption. These pollutants we found in our local area included industrial pollutants, water treatment and distribution byproducts, run off from factory farms, pesticides, fertilizer, lawn pesticides and human waste.
Research Studies
A study conducted by the Mount Sinai School of Medicine and the Environmental Working Group took volunteers for testing blood and urine. From the nine volunteers they found 167 different chemicals with an average of 91 industrial toxins in each person. They found 76 that are known to cause cancer, 91 that are toxic to the brain, and 79 that could cause birth defects.
Another comprehensive survey of more than 1,300 Americans has found traces of weed and bug killers in the bodies of everyone tested. The National Institute of Health and the National Cancer Institute have a booklet called Cancer and the Environment. And in it they state, "It is estimated that as many as two thirds of all cancer cases are linked to environmental causes", and the number may even be bigger.
It's not just adults that are affected by toxicity, it starts at birth. In this study from NeuroToxicology they tested the very first bowel movement of 426 infants. They found that 83.9% had mercury. 26.5% had lead, and 26.5% had DDT, along with seven other insecticides.
Channels of Elimination
Now let's take a look at the Channels of Elimination, how they work, and what you can do to keep them in good working order so that they can be more effective in protecting you from harmful toxins.
The Colon
The bowel or colon is a major organ of elimination for getting digestive waste out of the body. A well functioning colon is essential for optimal health. It is the exit point of toxins, which the liver metabolizes. If it is not functioning properly, toxins will be reabsorbed into the bloodstream.
We must start by eliminating everything in our diet that contributes to the problem. This means cutting out all processed foods, sugar, white flour and white flour products, dairy, fruit and vegetables treated with pesticides, food additives, colorings and preservatives, alcohol and caffeine.
Instead, we need to eat a diet high in fiber and nutrients. Choose whole grains, oat bran, organic fruit and vegetables, brown rice, and soy products. Psyllium if a great addition to your healthy, fiber rich diet and is considered an excellent colon and intestinal cleanser, strengthening colonic tissues and restoring tone.
Lack of dietary fiber is not only a cause of such gastrointestinal problems as diverticulitis and constipation, it is also implicated in high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity and obesity-related disorders such as diabetes. When using supplemental fiber, drinking plenty of water every day is of utmost importance for a healthy functioning colon.
When detoxifying the body, the following protocol should be used:
Herbal supplements can be very helpful in addressing the problems of parasites and Candida.
Look for products that contain:
• Wormwood (combat parasites, stimulate the liver and gallbladder)
• Cloves (for parasites), • Garlic (as an antibacterial and for parasites)
• Yellow dock (helps kill parasite larvae)
• Pau d’arco (very effective against Candida)
• Black walnut and pumpkin seeds (eliminates both parasites and Candida)
The Liver
The liver plays the key role in converting toxins into nontoxic substances which are then eliminated by the kidneys. These conversions are performed mostly by enzymes. Both the liver and the kidneys need to function properly to keep the body free of poisonous substances.
A wide range of factors can inhibit the liver from doing its job. Such factors include food additives, preservatives and colorings, birth control pills, all prescription and over-the-counter medications, environmental toxins, and nutritional deficiencies due to malnutrition.
In addition to detoxification, the liver performs some 500 other bodily functions. It plays a role in blood sugar regulation; metabolization of fats, proteins, and carbs, usage and storage of vitamins and minerals, blood-clotting, cholesterol production, regulation of hormones, and thyroid function. If the liver is over-burdened and sluggish due to toxicity, then all of these other functions in the body are affected as well.
To maximize liver function, the following should be avoided: alcohol, all drugs, caffeine, food additives, colorings, preservatives, pesticides, polluted air and toxic fumes.
Your diet should consist of plenty of cruciferous vegetables, such as fresh broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels-sprouts. These are known for their anti-cancer properties and their ability to activate detoxifying enzymes.
In addition, try to breathe clean air and drink plenty of water. Fresh lemon juice squeezed in a glass of water first thing in the morning is also a great liver cleanser. A wide range of herbs and supplements can help in the detoxification of the liver and kidneys. Now there are many herbs, including milk thistle, burdock, artichoke, dandelion, turmeric and beet, which are good for liver health. Many herbal companies offer special combinations for such a purpose.
The Kidneys
The primary function of the kidneys is to filter and remove toxic waste products from the body via the blood and then return the cleaned blood back into the body. Approximately every sixty seconds, about one liter of blood will enter the kidneys through the 'renal arteries' and after the blood is cleaned it flows back into the body through the 'renal veins'. Water and waste products are filtered out and deposited into the urine for elimination.
Reduced kidney function can result when there is a toxic overload. Healthy fully functional kidneys are absolutely necessary to eliminate toxins deposited in the urine by the liver.
Eat plenty of fresh fruit and drink plenty of water to keep kidneys functioning optimally.
Herbs such as cranberry, dandelion, cornsilk, juniper berry, uva ursi, parsley, nettle and buchu are all great for kidney and bladder health. Gravel root is also a great herb to use for the passing of kidney stones.
The Lungs
The lungs are organs that connect directly with the outside world. The lungs consist of branching airways (called bronchi) with clusters of tiny air sacs (called alveoli) at the ends of the airways. The alveoli absorb oxygen and other chemicals into the bloodstream. The surface area of a person’s alveoli is roughly equal to that of half of a tennis court.
The lungs filter and clear foreign particles from the 10,000 liters of air we breathe every day. Because they are in contact with our polluted atmosphere, they can absorb many airborne pollutants. When chemicals are present as small particles, they may be deposited in the bronchi and/or alveoli. These may be coughed out, or stay in the lungs and cause lung damage. Or they may be absorbed into the bloodstream, affecting the rest of the body. Accumulation of foreign matter in the lung cavity can lead to infection, and chronic lung disease.
Keep lungs functioning at tip top shape by:
Blood and Lymphatic System Detoxification
Since every organ and every system of the body is interconnected, we can’t focus on cleansing just one specific area. The concept of purifying the blood is ancient, and it’s as important today as it ever was. The bloodstream, working in conjunction with the liver and kidneys, plays a vital role in cleansing the body of toxins and disease-causing agents.
The Lymphatic System
The lymphatic system is a network of organs, tissues, ducts, and tubes including the thymus, and the spleen. It contains a fluid called lymph, which bathes the cells providing oxygen and nutrients and carrying away metabolic byproducts and toxins from the cells within our organ's and tissues. Unlike the circulatory system the lymph system does not have a pump and depends on physical movement and plenty of water to circulate.
The Blood
The blood is the medium in which dissolved gases, nutrients, hormones, and waste products are transported. There are several kinds of white blood cells, each having a different function. All of the functions however are related to the defense of the body against invading microorganisms and other foreign substances. Blood supplies life to every cell in the body. Without a clean blood supply, normal cell renewal cannot take place. Toxins carried by the blood to the cells are often responsible for cellular deformation leading to diseased organs and tissues.
Tips for keeping the blood running smoothly:
Blood purifying herbs cleanse the blood as well as stimulate the liver, kidneys, colon, and lymphatic system, all of which are responsible for filtering toxins from the body for removal.
• Dandelion
• Yellow dock
• Sarsaparilla root
• Garlic
• Burdock root
• Echinacea
• Pau d’arco
• Kelp
• Red clover
• Cayenne pepper
• Goldenseal
Because the blood supplies life to all cells, tissues and organs, cleansing it improves the health and wellbeing of the whole body.
The Skin
The skin is the largest organ in the body and one of its main functions is to protect the body from noxious substances and disease promoting organisms. It represents both an important physical barrier to toxic substances as well as a portal of entry. The skin, hair, and especially sweat are a root of excretion of toxins or their byproducts.
Toxins from personal care products, feminine products, scented products, air pollution, pesticides, herbicides, off-gasing from new products, plastics and buildings are just a few toxins which can easily enter the skin and into the bloodstream.
"From the time we are babies and grow to adulthood, we rub an estimated 2,000 litres (84,000 ounces) of chemical-based lotions, shampoos, cosmetics and body products into our skin more than 470,000 times" (Joseph Borkovic, Eco-dynamics_3-TM)
All of these chemicals must be broke down by the liver. If the liver is unable to break them down they are stored in the fat cells of the body. There are also no federal restrictions on allowable levels of the chemicals in body care products, but several other countries do not allow the chemicals at any level.
To keep the skin fresh and vibrant:
All of these channels of elimination work in unity to detoxify our body. They work continuously every minute every second of our lives to help purify our body of toxins we come into contact with each and every day.
Here is a recap on tips for a better cleansing lifestyle:
• Drink plenty of clean, distilled or purified water, at least half your body weight in ounces per day
• Choose organic food products whenever possible.
• Avoid processed and packaged foods with food additives, dyes, chemicals or artificial sweeteners.
• Drink freshly juiced vegetables and green smoothies
• Incorporate more raw, fresh, plant based foods, including dark green, leafy vegetables-at least 60-75% of total food intake
• Exercise regularly. Try a mini-trampoline for lymphatic circulation.
• Experience a sauna frequently.
• Get plenty of rest and sleep
• Choose natural household cleansing and personal care products. Or make your own!
• Avoid cooking with aluminum, copper, or Teflon-coated cookware.
• Enjoy more outdoor activities in nature
• Find ways of dealing with illness naturally, avoiding, when possible, medications that break down the healing processes in the body and create a toxic environment in the body
• Perform cleansing and detoxification programs regularly. (at least every quarter or six months)
• Most of all, take time to reconnect with your family, your body, and most of all your Creator!
**During detoxification, people may experience a severity of their symptoms in the beginning as well as foul smelling stool, lots of mucus, visible parasites, headaches, light-headedness and various other signs of the cleansing process. These are all normal reactions and no cause for alarm. Usually, the worse the reactions one experiences, the more they are in need of detoxification.
How Disease Develops
There are two main reasons for the development of disease, aside from our predisposition to certain illness due to genetic make up. The first one is malnutrition. In our westernized society, the Standard American Diet or SAD, does not provide the nutrition necessary for optimal health. With processed foods, preservatives, artificial colorings and flavorings, antibiotics and steroids in animal foods, genetically modified foods, and more, we are barely getting enough nutrition just to exist let alone have the energy, vibrancy and vigor that all of us long for.
As for genetic history, most of us do come with genetic baggage, which predisposes us to certain disease attributes. But, the good news is, according to epigenetic studies we can change our genetics through diet and lifestyle changes.
Our parents and grandparents developed disease through their genetics AND diet and lifestyle choices. This was handed down to us, but we can actually reverse this downward spiral towards disease by making healthy choices. Our genes will actually change, and our offspring and we can become healthier if the choices continue to be towards health.
The second reason disease develops is the sheer magnitude of toxic substances in our environment. Most people believe that what is bought in the store has been regulated for our safety, but unfortunately it has not. The only regulation mandated by the FDA and other so called regulatory agencies is that the manufacturers do their own testing. This isn’t necessary to put the products on the shelf though.
Internal Cleansing
So, why is internal cleansing so important? Just as we in a spiritual sense need cleansing from sin through Christ, the physical body needs cleansing from environmental toxins, which would destroy us. Ps. 51:2,10 “Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin....Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.”
Detoxification is a natural function of the body. As toxins enter through the body by way of the lungs when we breath, through skin contact or through the GI tract, toxins are then metabolically processed and discarded by the seven channels of elimination. These channels include the liver, the lungs, the lymphatic system, the kidneys, the blood, the skin, and the bowel or colon. The immune system is also plays a critical part in our defense against disease causing agents. But, when the body is not working properly, these channels can become dysfunctional. As toxins build up and are retained, ill health develops.
Internal Toxins
Anything that does not naturally become part of the cells and tissues of the human body needs to be eliminated. Basically there are two types of toxins; internal toxins produced from within our own body, such as digestive toxins produced from the metabolic breakdown of our foods, and external toxins from the environment, air, water, or food.
Impaired Digestion
One of the internal toxins that can build up comes from impaired digestion. During normal digestion, the body breaks down our food into micronutrients such as amino acids from the protein we eat, fatty acids from fat, and glucose from carbohydrates, using them to build muscles, tissues, blood, etc. During the normal digestive process, there is waste and toxic materials produced, which the body in its healthy state can handle and eliminate.
When the digestive system is impaired though, undigested matter can build up, ferment, and become too numerous for the body to eliminate. Waste materials and toxins can be reabsorbed into the bloodstream, distributed throughout the body and stored in fat cells, leading to chronic disease and inflammation.
The immediate consequences of impaired digestion is intestinal toxemia, which can cause symptoms like gas, bloating, constipation, weight gain, skin disorders, brain fog, chronic fatigue, headaches, irritable bowel, inflammation, and joint and muscle pain.
Toxic Colon
Forty-four of the current U.S. population will die as a result of colon-related diseases! The third most common reason for hospitalization among 15-44 year old persons is digestive disorders.
The most common sign of a toxic colon is chronic constipation. Two to three bowel movements per day, shortly after each meal eaten are considered healthy. Stool should be light brown in color, long and large in diameter, fluffy in texture, and floating on top of the water. There should be no offensive odor, and it should break apart with the toilet flushing.
Ninety percent of all disease and discomfort is directly or indirectly related to an unclean colon, due to impacted fecal matter. 36 different toxins form in the large intestine and are absorbed by the bloodstream, resulting in the body’s inability to metabolize food properly or to provide vital energy for living.
Main reasons for Intestinal Toxemia
Impaired digestion can be caused by inadequate chewing, drinking with meals, especially cold drinks, lack of hydrochloric acid, and inadequate intestinal bacteria and pancreatic enzymes, all of which help break down foods into micronutrients.
Parasites and Candida
Parasites and an overgrowth of Candida are also very common occurrences in toxic colons: 85% percent of the North American adult population is infected with at least one form of parasite. Candida albicans is one of these parasites and thrives in warm-blooded animals in the warm, inner creases of the digestive and vaginal tracts. Repeated use of antibiotics and birth control pills are probably the worst culprits in destroying beneficial bacteria. Simple carbohydrates (sugars) aggravate this condition.
Vaginal yeast infections are more prevalent today than ever before; they never completely clear up until the overgrowth of Candida are controlled throughout the body, especially in the intestinal area. To make matters worse, Candida can be sexually transmitted from one person to another.
The July 1984 issue of the Journal of Reproductive Medicine studied 100 women and found a positive correlation between their sugar and dairy intake and their incidence of vaginal yeast infections. After going on a diet that eliminated these foods, more than 90% of these women became free of yeast infections for over a year.
A yeast cell produces over 75 known toxic substances that poison the human body on a continuous basis. These toxins contaminate the tissues, weakening the immune system, glands, kidneys, bladder, lungs, liver, and especially the brain and nervous system. The protective barrier between the intestinal tract and bloodstream is broken down allowing many foreign and toxic substances to enter and pollute the body systemically.
Most people suffering from candidiasis rarely suspect it as the cause of their ill health. The symptoms are so numerous and seemingly unrelated that medical doctors usually just treat the consequential complications (such as fatigue, arthritis, depression, anxiety, skin eruptions, immune system malfunction) and never seek the underlying cause.
The colon is home not only to candida, but also is very often, home to small colonies of parasites, which can contribute to toxicity. Parasites such as intestinal worms (pinworms, tape worms), amoeba, etc., can invade our body from many sources. The most common sources of infection with parasites are insufficiently cooked meats, unwashed fruits and vegetables, travel to third-world countries, contaminated water, pets, flies and other common insect pests.
Under normal circumstances a healthy individual can tolerate the toxins produced by bacteria and a few parasites. However, if the body's elimination system is overloaded and there are a large number of parasites, the additional toxins can result in chronic disease, through the breakdown of the health of the body.
The combination of digestive toxins, Candida and parasites can contribute greatly to the condition called leaky gut. With leaky gut, also known as intestinal permeability, the intestinal lining becomes increasingly porous, leading to the entrance of toxins, Candida, bacteria, parasites and inadequately broken down proteins, into the bloodstream. This of course leads to greater toxicity.
Some genetically modified foods (GMO) and Over the Counter (OTC)/prescription medications are the main reason for intestinal permeability.
External Toxins
Now let's talk about external toxins. External toxins include industrial chemicals, pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, and toxic metals such as mercury, lead and arsenic. External toxins also include air pollution, tap water, solvents, food additives, dyes, drugs, household chemicals, personal care products, and alcohol just to name a few. How exposed are we really to these, and how does it affect our health?
Checking into our local tap water in Johnston County NC, using this link to the Environmental Working Group, we found there were 20 of the 316 contaminants found throughout the country. Although, this is a low number, ANY contaminants can be disease and cancer causing after years of consumption. These pollutants we found in our local area included industrial pollutants, water treatment and distribution byproducts, run off from factory farms, pesticides, fertilizer, lawn pesticides and human waste.
Research Studies
A study conducted by the Mount Sinai School of Medicine and the Environmental Working Group took volunteers for testing blood and urine. From the nine volunteers they found 167 different chemicals with an average of 91 industrial toxins in each person. They found 76 that are known to cause cancer, 91 that are toxic to the brain, and 79 that could cause birth defects.
Another comprehensive survey of more than 1,300 Americans has found traces of weed and bug killers in the bodies of everyone tested. The National Institute of Health and the National Cancer Institute have a booklet called Cancer and the Environment. And in it they state, "It is estimated that as many as two thirds of all cancer cases are linked to environmental causes", and the number may even be bigger.
It's not just adults that are affected by toxicity, it starts at birth. In this study from NeuroToxicology they tested the very first bowel movement of 426 infants. They found that 83.9% had mercury. 26.5% had lead, and 26.5% had DDT, along with seven other insecticides.
Channels of Elimination
Now let's take a look at the Channels of Elimination, how they work, and what you can do to keep them in good working order so that they can be more effective in protecting you from harmful toxins.
The Colon
The bowel or colon is a major organ of elimination for getting digestive waste out of the body. A well functioning colon is essential for optimal health. It is the exit point of toxins, which the liver metabolizes. If it is not functioning properly, toxins will be reabsorbed into the bloodstream.
We must start by eliminating everything in our diet that contributes to the problem. This means cutting out all processed foods, sugar, white flour and white flour products, dairy, fruit and vegetables treated with pesticides, food additives, colorings and preservatives, alcohol and caffeine.
Instead, we need to eat a diet high in fiber and nutrients. Choose whole grains, oat bran, organic fruit and vegetables, brown rice, and soy products. Psyllium if a great addition to your healthy, fiber rich diet and is considered an excellent colon and intestinal cleanser, strengthening colonic tissues and restoring tone.
Lack of dietary fiber is not only a cause of such gastrointestinal problems as diverticulitis and constipation, it is also implicated in high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity and obesity-related disorders such as diabetes. When using supplemental fiber, drinking plenty of water every day is of utmost importance for a healthy functioning colon.
When detoxifying the body, the following protocol should be used:
- Eating a diet that has a high level of raw, fresh fruits and vegetables, is very important. This should be 60-75%. Not only can this come in the form of fresh whole produce, but smoothies and freshly extracted juices can encourage bowel movements. Include whole grains and beans, to increase fiber.
- It is absolutely essential to drink at least 8-10 glasses of pure, distilled or filtered water with any type of cleansing program and for general wellbeing. This is especially the case during bowel cleansing.
- A series of colon irrigations are also recommended, especially for people with serious bowel problems. Colon irrigations help break down plaque build-up and tone the bowels. People with chronic constipation should be advised to engage in colonic irrigations in conjunction with their detoxification program.
- Herbs that are helpful for colon cleansing: flaxseed, ashwagandha, beet, burdock, dandelion, psyllium, larch, and turmeric.
- To decrease candida overgrowth and to maintain a healthy balance of yeast organisms, look for a product that contains herbs such as uva ursi, garlic, barberry, neem, oregano and olive leaf.
- Greens such as wheat grass and barley grass help to stop free radical damage and will boost the immune system. Taking a green formula daily will boost your body's ability to detoxify itself and is a perfect companion to any cleansing and detoxification program. Look for a liquid greens formula that uses aloe as a base and contains wheat grass, barley grass, kelp, alfalfa, broccoli, spinach, brussels and chlorella.
- Changing the balance of the intestinal microflora can then be easily achieved by consuming a mixture of different species of probiotics (friendly bacteria). Probiotic supplements include many more varieties of healthy bacteria than yogurt. Look for a supplement that includes a variety of bacteria and is in the refrigerated section of your health food store. You can also drink ready made water kefir or kombucha drinks, or make your own. By making your own you always have probiotics on hand and they are easy, affordable and natural.
Herbal supplements can be very helpful in addressing the problems of parasites and Candida.
Look for products that contain:
• Wormwood (combat parasites, stimulate the liver and gallbladder)
• Cloves (for parasites), • Garlic (as an antibacterial and for parasites)
• Yellow dock (helps kill parasite larvae)
• Pau d’arco (very effective against Candida)
• Black walnut and pumpkin seeds (eliminates both parasites and Candida)
The Liver
The liver plays the key role in converting toxins into nontoxic substances which are then eliminated by the kidneys. These conversions are performed mostly by enzymes. Both the liver and the kidneys need to function properly to keep the body free of poisonous substances.
A wide range of factors can inhibit the liver from doing its job. Such factors include food additives, preservatives and colorings, birth control pills, all prescription and over-the-counter medications, environmental toxins, and nutritional deficiencies due to malnutrition.
In addition to detoxification, the liver performs some 500 other bodily functions. It plays a role in blood sugar regulation; metabolization of fats, proteins, and carbs, usage and storage of vitamins and minerals, blood-clotting, cholesterol production, regulation of hormones, and thyroid function. If the liver is over-burdened and sluggish due to toxicity, then all of these other functions in the body are affected as well.
To maximize liver function, the following should be avoided: alcohol, all drugs, caffeine, food additives, colorings, preservatives, pesticides, polluted air and toxic fumes.
Your diet should consist of plenty of cruciferous vegetables, such as fresh broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels-sprouts. These are known for their anti-cancer properties and their ability to activate detoxifying enzymes.
In addition, try to breathe clean air and drink plenty of water. Fresh lemon juice squeezed in a glass of water first thing in the morning is also a great liver cleanser. A wide range of herbs and supplements can help in the detoxification of the liver and kidneys. Now there are many herbs, including milk thistle, burdock, artichoke, dandelion, turmeric and beet, which are good for liver health. Many herbal companies offer special combinations for such a purpose.
The Kidneys
The primary function of the kidneys is to filter and remove toxic waste products from the body via the blood and then return the cleaned blood back into the body. Approximately every sixty seconds, about one liter of blood will enter the kidneys through the 'renal arteries' and after the blood is cleaned it flows back into the body through the 'renal veins'. Water and waste products are filtered out and deposited into the urine for elimination.
Reduced kidney function can result when there is a toxic overload. Healthy fully functional kidneys are absolutely necessary to eliminate toxins deposited in the urine by the liver.
Eat plenty of fresh fruit and drink plenty of water to keep kidneys functioning optimally.
Herbs such as cranberry, dandelion, cornsilk, juniper berry, uva ursi, parsley, nettle and buchu are all great for kidney and bladder health. Gravel root is also a great herb to use for the passing of kidney stones.
The Lungs
The lungs are organs that connect directly with the outside world. The lungs consist of branching airways (called bronchi) with clusters of tiny air sacs (called alveoli) at the ends of the airways. The alveoli absorb oxygen and other chemicals into the bloodstream. The surface area of a person’s alveoli is roughly equal to that of half of a tennis court.
The lungs filter and clear foreign particles from the 10,000 liters of air we breathe every day. Because they are in contact with our polluted atmosphere, they can absorb many airborne pollutants. When chemicals are present as small particles, they may be deposited in the bronchi and/or alveoli. These may be coughed out, or stay in the lungs and cause lung damage. Or they may be absorbed into the bloodstream, affecting the rest of the body. Accumulation of foreign matter in the lung cavity can lead to infection, and chronic lung disease.
Keep lungs functioning at tip top shape by:
- Getting plenty of exercise in the fresh outdoor
- Eating nutrient dense foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables
- Do breathing exercises
- Add plants to your living space for pure air
- Quit smoking
- Remove toxic chemicals from your living and if possible working space
- Remove animal products from your diet. Foods such as cheese and milk increase mucus in lungs and sinuses increasing chance of infection
Blood and Lymphatic System Detoxification
Since every organ and every system of the body is interconnected, we can’t focus on cleansing just one specific area. The concept of purifying the blood is ancient, and it’s as important today as it ever was. The bloodstream, working in conjunction with the liver and kidneys, plays a vital role in cleansing the body of toxins and disease-causing agents.
The Lymphatic System
The lymphatic system is a network of organs, tissues, ducts, and tubes including the thymus, and the spleen. It contains a fluid called lymph, which bathes the cells providing oxygen and nutrients and carrying away metabolic byproducts and toxins from the cells within our organ's and tissues. Unlike the circulatory system the lymph system does not have a pump and depends on physical movement and plenty of water to circulate.
- Exercise: Brisk walking or intense exercise moves the lymphatic system and lymph fluids and circulates them to your liver and kidneys to be filtered and excreted from the body.
- Water: Drinking half your weight in ounces of water daily will help to filter the lymphatic system, and excrete and remove chemicals and toxins through your liver and kidneys.
- Breath work: Oxygen and Hydration are essential for keeping the lymphatic system clear of impurities. By taking deep breathes in through your nose and out through your mouth you’re giving your body more oxygen to work with.
- Rebounding: Rebounding is simply jumping on a small trampoline up and down. It uses the force of gravity to move your lymphatic system and to detoxify cells by going in an up and down motion. This is a great exercise for lymphatic drainage as well as overall health and well-being.
- Massage: Massage works by hands physically moving your lymphatic tissue. Deep tissue massage is a way to squeeze the lymphatic system to remove impurities so that new hydration and nutrients can keep the lymphatic system healthy.
- Laughter: Believe it or not laughter is an effective method for helping the lymphatic system. Make an effort to laugh at least a few times daily, not only for your lymphatic system, but your heart, immunity, brain and overall sense of well-being. A merry heart doeth good like medicine! Prov. 17:22
- Take a Hot/Cold Shower: This is called hydrotherapy, using hot and cold water to produce a healing effect. Basically it's taking a shower in hot water for about 2-3 minutes and then turning to cold for about 20-30 seconds. Doing this for about 3 sets will help stimulate the lymphatic system and circulation, expanding and contracting blood vessels.
- Eat Raw Fruits: Fruits are great for stimulating the lymphatic system to drain. The key here is to eat fruits raw (uncooked) and to eat them on an empty stomach, especially lemons, limes and grapefruits. Essential oils of these particular fruits in water drunk throughout the day can stimulate lymphatic drainage and overall digestive detoxification.
- Use Essential Oils Topically: You can apply ginger, peppermint and rosemary essential oils topically on lymph nodes throughout your body to stimulate drainage. Specifically on the back of your neck is a great spot to apply these oils to get into the skin, circulation and lymph nodes and allow them to go to work.
The Blood
The blood is the medium in which dissolved gases, nutrients, hormones, and waste products are transported. There are several kinds of white blood cells, each having a different function. All of the functions however are related to the defense of the body against invading microorganisms and other foreign substances. Blood supplies life to every cell in the body. Without a clean blood supply, normal cell renewal cannot take place. Toxins carried by the blood to the cells are often responsible for cellular deformation leading to diseased organs and tissues.
Tips for keeping the blood running smoothly:
- Avoid white flour in any form, sugar, junk food, processed foods and animal products, pesticides, chemicals, preservatives and heated fats and oils.
- Drink at least 8-10 glasses of pure distilled or purified water, fresh lemon juice, beet juice, carrot juice and dandelion tea.
- Eat raw vegetables as often as possible, and drink a lot of green drinks made fresh from spirulina, wheatgrass, spinach and other green vegetables.
Blood purifying herbs cleanse the blood as well as stimulate the liver, kidneys, colon, and lymphatic system, all of which are responsible for filtering toxins from the body for removal.
• Dandelion
• Yellow dock
• Sarsaparilla root
• Garlic
• Burdock root
• Echinacea
• Pau d’arco
• Kelp
• Red clover
• Cayenne pepper
• Goldenseal
Because the blood supplies life to all cells, tissues and organs, cleansing it improves the health and wellbeing of the whole body.
The Skin
The skin is the largest organ in the body and one of its main functions is to protect the body from noxious substances and disease promoting organisms. It represents both an important physical barrier to toxic substances as well as a portal of entry. The skin, hair, and especially sweat are a root of excretion of toxins or their byproducts.
Toxins from personal care products, feminine products, scented products, air pollution, pesticides, herbicides, off-gasing from new products, plastics and buildings are just a few toxins which can easily enter the skin and into the bloodstream.
"From the time we are babies and grow to adulthood, we rub an estimated 2,000 litres (84,000 ounces) of chemical-based lotions, shampoos, cosmetics and body products into our skin more than 470,000 times" (Joseph Borkovic, Eco-dynamics_3-TM)
All of these chemicals must be broke down by the liver. If the liver is unable to break them down they are stored in the fat cells of the body. There are also no federal restrictions on allowable levels of the chemicals in body care products, but several other countries do not allow the chemicals at any level.
To keep the skin fresh and vibrant:
- Getting adequate exercise can increase sweating which is necessary to move toxins from skin
- Sweating such as sauna can be very helpful in a detoxification program especially in the excretion of heavy metals. Infrared saunas are preferable as the heat objects without heating the air. This means it could be used with greater comfort for longer periods of time.
- Herbs such as red clover, turmeric, garlic and burdock that help purify the blood can also affect the skin’s excretion of toxins.
- Eat fresh nutritious fruits and vegetables
- Include sources of Omega 3 Fatty Acids in your diet such flaxseed, walnuts, leafy greens and avocados
All of these channels of elimination work in unity to detoxify our body. They work continuously every minute every second of our lives to help purify our body of toxins we come into contact with each and every day.
Here is a recap on tips for a better cleansing lifestyle:
• Drink plenty of clean, distilled or purified water, at least half your body weight in ounces per day
• Choose organic food products whenever possible.
• Avoid processed and packaged foods with food additives, dyes, chemicals or artificial sweeteners.
• Drink freshly juiced vegetables and green smoothies
• Incorporate more raw, fresh, plant based foods, including dark green, leafy vegetables-at least 60-75% of total food intake
• Exercise regularly. Try a mini-trampoline for lymphatic circulation.
• Experience a sauna frequently.
• Get plenty of rest and sleep
• Choose natural household cleansing and personal care products. Or make your own!
• Avoid cooking with aluminum, copper, or Teflon-coated cookware.
• Enjoy more outdoor activities in nature
• Find ways of dealing with illness naturally, avoiding, when possible, medications that break down the healing processes in the body and create a toxic environment in the body
• Perform cleansing and detoxification programs regularly. (at least every quarter or six months)
• Most of all, take time to reconnect with your family, your body, and most of all your Creator!
**During detoxification, people may experience a severity of their symptoms in the beginning as well as foul smelling stool, lots of mucus, visible parasites, headaches, light-headedness and various other signs of the cleansing process. These are all normal reactions and no cause for alarm. Usually, the worse the reactions one experiences, the more they are in need of detoxification.